Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Every day I receive a "word for the day" through merriam-webster.com. My dad was one that showed me this vocabulary expanding tool and I'm thankful he did. Some of the words have been wonderfully funny, like "bludge" "Callithump" "Molly-Coddle" or "embonpoint" (pronounced the french way), but sometimes (knowing our God is a God of no happenstance)the word completely matches up with what I need to hear or what God is speaking to my heart.
Edify. Today's word.
I'm reading through Ezra. The people have returned to Jerusalem, under commands of King Cyrus, to build the temple that had been laying in ruins because all of Israel and Judah had been taken into captivity. After offering up the burnt sacrifices and reestablishing the feasts, the people laid the foundation of the temple and proclaimed with singing, praise, and shouting, "For He is good, for His mercy endures forever toward Israel".
What happened next? COMPLETE ATTACK! First, through trickery and deceit; the surrounding adversaries said to the heads of the Jews, "Let us build with you" but they said, "You may do nothing with us". The enemy then told the king of Persia that the Jews were building a rebellious and evil city; that they won't pay taxes, tribute, or customs to the king. The king was convinced by the lies and the work of the house of God ceased.
I guess we all come to points in our lives where we see ruins all around us. We see relationships that have crumbled, communication that has been long cut off, love that has grown cold, and we hear the command from our King to build. We set off, offer ourselves as living sacrifices, and start building and lay the foundation. Then, just as we step back to wipe the sweat from our brow and take a look at the progress, we hear the words of attack; the bitter, sharp, cutting, destructive words. Is it time to stop? Is it time to quit? Do we listen?
Edify, to build up.
Could my failure to continue to edify actually cause others to be defeated and the foundations of their lives be turned into ruins again? That is a sobering question. I know God doesn't need us, He will raise up those that edify others, but He wants to use us.
"But let us who are of th day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing." 1 Thes. 5:8-11.
When it's the hardest, edify. When attacks come, edify. When love waxes cold, edify. When sorrow is the only emotion felt, edify. When you feel like you can't labor anymore, edify. And as you are edifying, pray for help, because the Helper, our Comforter, the Shepherd of our souls, is near.
These words are good reminders to me... I need them now more than ever.


  1. may my words and actions edify you daily, may God so work in each of us in our family to edify one another and as we do glorify Him. When we edify one another we build up the kingdom of God.
